We are licensed scrap car breakers located in Oxford. Scrap cars become a problem if you keep them for too long as you need to keep them taxed if they are on the road meaning you will be spending money on your scrap car. We tow away old scrap cars for absolutely nothing, regardless of their condition.

Choose Scrap Car Oxford

Having worked out of Oxford for many years we’ve built up a reputation in the area for rapid response and reliability. As we know the area so well, when you call us out we can be there within 30 minutes. Any time you arrange for us to collect your scrap car we will be sure to arrive at, bang on time. Because we are able to pick up cars at any time and not just 9-5 we can tow away your car at a time that suits you.

We will make sure that your vehicle is properly disposed of. Other, unethical scrap car breakers will often sell on your car and in many cases will not inform the DVLA of any change of ownership. This can lead to you being fined! We don’t engage in any dodgy practices and always inform the DVLA that your car is being scrapped. All of the vehicles we dispose of in Oxford are done so in an environmentally friendly way, ensuring we are doing our bit for the environment.

Scrapping your old car will help keep the roads of Oxford clear as long as it is properly disposed of by a reputable company. Having old broken down cars littering the streets makes the area look very run down and untidy, so scrapping your car will make your neighbours happy. Scrap your car for free, call today!